Timeless Tales of Phoenixville - Harry Houdini
Opened in 1903 as an Opera House, The Colonial Theatre would continue throughout history showing the Phoenixville community many types performances, movies, and acts, including the first moving pictures and amazing musical acts. But in 1917, there would be one famous man, who would take the stage and remain in Phoenixville’s history till this day. The performer would be the famous Harry Houdini. He would go on to perform one of his great acts, by freeing himself from a burglar-proof safe in front of 300 people inside the Colonial Theatre. The inside of the theatre looked different at the time, mainly with how the seating was situated. At this time there was space for an orchestra and there were table set up with chairs. You can almost picture Houdini setting up his act behind stage in one of the rooms that are still there! After the show, I’m sure it was quite the talk of the town for many many years.