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Timeless Tales of Phoenixville - Anthony "Shorty" Cionti

Born and raised on the Northside of Phoenixville to Italian immigrants, Shorty as everyone knew him, fought it some of WW2’s greatest battles. He was serving with Co. B, 325th Glider Infantry, 82nd Airborne, landed behind enemy lines at Omaha Beach, Normandy on June 6, 1944. Shorty described the sound as a constant loud noise that never stopped and could never be replicated. It was around this day when he was hit by a piece of shrapnel in his chest, but luckily it was stopped by his bandolier. It knocked him on the ground and severely bruised him, but he kept fighting without pause. He would continue through Normandy, Holland, Battle of the Bulge and into Germany with many close calls. Shorty would come back to the States and reenlist for a few more years at Ft. Benning where he was on the 82nd Airborne Boxing Team. When he came back to Phoenixville, he would pick up his work again at Phoenix Steel and help start up the new Santa Anna Italian American Club building on Dayton Street. Shorty was one of my good friends who taught me lots of great things from Phoenixville history, to how to plant and maintain a good garden. He was honored with a proclamation from the Borough of Phoenixville honoring his service by Mayor Peter, which we presented to him on Memorial Day in 2019. Shorty passed away earlier this year after a long life of history, so this show is dedicated in his memory.

Sponsored by Videon Chevrolet of Phoenixville.


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