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Join The Phoenixville Jaycees

The Phoenixville Jaycees are just one of the great organizations to get involved with!The Phoenixville Jaycees were chartered in 1952 and are the second oldest chapter in the state of Pennsylvania. Attempts to charter the chapter in 1942 and 1944 failed because its members were drafted during World War II. The third time proved to be a charm thanks to the efforts of Winn Cook, who submitted the charter each time and who went on to become the 5th President of the Pennsylvania Jaycees.

Since receiving its charter, the Phoenixville Jaycees have hosted the Dogwood Festival, Parade and Pageant as well as contributing to hundreds of events hosted by other service clubs in Phoenixville. The Phoenixville Jaycees Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization created by the Phoenixville Jaycees to continue serving the greater Phoenixville area by hosting many staple events and providing volunteers for other community service organizations throughout Pennsylvania.

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