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First Friday

Looking for something to do after Memorial Day? Look no further than your own backyard!

This spot is brought to you by Carnevale Eustis Architects, Inc.

On July the 6th , the borough of Phoenixville is holding a celebration called First Friday, where live music, restaurants, local artists, and unique boutiques are all featured, so you can experience the full force of what this former steel town has to offer.

Phoenixville also boasts one of the highest numbers of “Breweries per capita” in the nation, and holds the top spot for “most breweries per square foot”. On Phoenixville’s Bridge street, and walking 2,000 feet throughout the course of a night you’ll see 4 breweries, with another just a block away. You’ll also spot a brewery tap house, three wine tasting rooms, a distillery, and a couple of bars on your way there, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the culture and atmosphere of Phoenixville!

So far we’ve already had First Fridays in May and June, and after this one there are going to be three more to experience! The bulk of the action takes place from 6PM-10PM.

Come on out during First Friday to experience Phoenixville at its best!

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