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Best College Vaules

With the cost of college tuition growing higher by the year, it’s becoming more and more crucial to pick a school that not only offers a quality degree, but a quality price as well.

A personal finance and business forecast publishing site named Kiplinger has gathered information on 1,200 public and private 4-year schools in order to come up with an overall value system. Some of the categories that play into the rating include graduation rates, cost and financial aid, academic support, and average student debt upon graduation, among other things.

Of the 300 schools that made the list, 19 of them are in Pennsylvania. The top spot for PA is Swarthmore College, located 11 miles outside of Philadelphia, which ranks number 3 on the list. Some other top schools in PA include Haverford College at 31, the University of Pennsylvania at 41, Bryn Mawr College at 45, and Villanova University rounding out the top 100.

To see the full list, just google “Kiplinger’s Best College Values” and click the first link. Then, make sure the “all colleges” category is selected, and hit submit. Be sure you do your research before making any big decisions about college!

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