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Cure Pennsylvania

The use of medical marijuana was made into law in May 2016, and the result has caused a new business to open its doors and offer medicine to the ailing masses. A company called “Cure” has gotten clearance to open up a dispensary in Pennsylvania, and so far, it’s planted its roots in Lancaster, Fort Washington, and right here in Phoenixville. COO Ryan Smith was excited to get the business off the ground and hop on the back of our soaring Phoenix. A dispensary is a government regulated building that offers different types of cannabis products that are allowed by lawmakers, including but not limited to oils, pills, tinctures, and vapes. To have access to any of these, you first need to qualify for a medical marijuana card. Cure Dispensary is open from 10 to 6, 7 days a week. If you have any additional questions or would like to schedule an appointment, go to or call (610) 546-2873. Welcome to Phoenixville!

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