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2018 Philly Home & Garden Show

Thousands of people gathered at the Greater Philadelphia Expo center for the third annual Philly Home and Garden Show, an event featuring over 200 vendors looking to promote their business and present their expertise on how to better homes.

Many different types of companies made an appearance at the show, ranging from Air Cleaning Systems, to Professional Organizers, and even Gourmet Party Dip Providers. We sat down with assistant show manager Jenna Naffin to talk about some of the motivations behind having a show like this.

Home and Garden Shows bring a lot of local homeowners out to the same area, and it’s great for businesses because they get to meet so many potential customers in a short amount of time. Some of the highlights of this year’s show included a fully furnished “smart home”, a beer garden, and a series of craft workshops lead by do-it-yourself experts. Be sure not to miss out on next year’s show, running from February 15th to the 17th.

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