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WalkWorks ChesCo!

WalkWorks ChesCo is a county-wide program to promote walking and running, taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle. In a partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of health, Chester county has responded to the national Healthiest cities & counties challenge and was selected through a pool of 400 applicants as one of the members of the HealthCommunity 50 to create a positive health impact. To start tracking your steps, go to The website syncs with most devices and mobile apps that already track steps and lets the user convert other physical exercise into steps to be manually added. If you need some encouragement to keep motivated, you can sign up with ( and receive challenges to help you reach personal and group goals. In 2017 Walkworks Chester County registered over 1.4 billion steps, and the bar is set at 5 billion for 2018, so sign up today and make your steps count!

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